The Speakers

Brendan Luyt, PhD

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

How Can the Study of Documentation Processes and Documents Help Libraries, Archives, and Museums?

BRENDAN LUYT is an Assistant Professor at the School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research interests include the social and policy landscape of information access including the history of information institutions, Wikipedia as a social phenomenon, social issues in scholarly information and communication and library user groups such as the elderly and children. He earned his Master in Library and Information Science in 2000 and doctorate in 2005 at the University of Western Ontario.


Libraries, archives and museums share a focus on objects that are seen to inform human beings in particular ways. This paper wished to show how this focus makes these disciplines not only amendable to studies of documentation, but also how such studies can potentially achieve beneficial and useful results for these communities. The paper ends with summaries of the studies conducted to illustrate how each of the benefits may be realized by a research approach that highlights documents and documentation processes.