The Speakers

Julia Gelfand and Anthony Lin

University of California, Irvine

All Agents of Instruction and Communication: The Intersections between Libraries, Archives and Museums via Social Media

JULIA M. GELFAND is the Applied Sciences and Engineering Librarian of the University of California Irvine. She is a graduate of MS Information Science from Case Western Reserve University. Her research interests are in the areas of collection development, scholarly communications, economics of publishing, grey literature and map librarianship. She has received a number of awards among which are as Leading Editor for serving as co-editor of Library Hi-Tech News, by Emerald/MCB University Press, London, April 24, 2003 and as Outstanding Achieve-ment in Grey Literature with a Literati Award for Excellence by MCB University Press in London, England, April 26, 1999. She is a prolific writer and has had articles published in various journals since 1990.


Academic and Research Libraries have refreshed their mission in recent years. In the spirit of more global insights and inclusion, adopting and utilizing the emerging technologies available to them, libraries have focused on ways to promote information literacy, best practices in scholarly communi-cations and make teaching and learning the focus of their outreach. This paper will explore how academic and research libraries are implementing a range of social networking activities to augment their online presence through traditional websites and launch new ways for their users to conduct and meet their information needs. Libraries are also extending access with greater mobile optimized sites for Smartphones and other technologies that enhance information in utilizing and managing data, images, audio and streaming media.